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While Tyrrellspass GAA is recognised for the overall developmental opportunities it provides to young people the club is not immune to instances of poor or
unacceptable behaviour. Such behaviour may in fact be deemed to be breaches of the Code of Behaviour. A notable example of such behaviour is Bullying.
Unfortunately, Bullying may occur in school settings, in communities, in the workplace, via social media interaction or within our sports association where a small
cohort of people may choose or even direct others to engage in Bullying behaviour. Tyrrellspass GAA aims to create a supportive environment where any form of bullying is
unacceptable. We adopt a whole club approach to addressing bullying and are committed to implementing structures and relevant training to deal with allegations of
bullying. Tyrrellspass GAA is committed to achieving an ethos of respect so as to maximise the potential of all our members when playing or participating in our Gaelic
We recognise that incidents of bullying are a serious breach of the Code of Behaviour and of our “Give Respect - Get Respect” initiative and all such incidents
will be dealt with accordingly. Our duty and challenge as Club leaders, coaches or parents is to challenge, counteract and eliminate such unacceptable behaviour
through awareness, education and proactive measures that are based on inclusivityand respect for all in Tyrrellspass GAA.
DEFINITION: 'Bullying is defined as repeated aggression, be it verbal, psychological or physical, conducted by an individual or group against others.
It is widely accepted that bullying contains seven key features:
• An intention to be hurtful
• This intention is carried out
• The behaviour harms the target
• The bully overwhelms the target with his/her power
• There is often no justification for the action
• The behaviour repeats itself again and again
• The bully derives a sense of satisfaction from hurting the target
Bullying can happen from:
• Young person to young person
• Young person to adult
• Adult to young person
• Adult to adult
Our aim is to:
• Understand Bullying and its possible impact within the context of Tyrrellspass GAA
• Identify a range of approaches in relation to preventing Bullying
• Equip ourselves to deal with incidents of Bullying
• Maintain and utilise an Anti-Bullying Policy within our club
• Implement a “whole club approach” to any instances of Bullying:
• Recognising that Bullying can be tackled by all in the Club – Players,Coaches, Parents, Referees...
• Promoting policies and procedures which aim to prevent Bullying in the first instance and intervene when appropriate
• Shifting from a problem based focus to a solution based focus
• Creating a supportive environment where its “ok to tell”
• Creating an awareness, and implementation, of best practice
Prevention of Bullying:
• Adoption of the joint Code of Behaviour (Underage) which highlights good practice and clarifies that instances of Bullying are deemed to be a breach of
the Code
• Creation of a supportive environment for all where it is not acceptable to Bully and highlight that Tyrrellspass GAA has a “zero tolerance” for Bullying
• Development of an ethos in which it is “ok to tell” the Club Children’s Officer or team coach of incidents of Bullying. Underage players should be made aware
Dealing with bullying
If you are aware of, or have a concern that, bullying behaviour is happening within Tyrrellspass GAA you should report the matter to the Club Children’s Officer who will
assess the report in the context of the Code of Behaviour:
• Confidentiality will be maintained
• Children’s Officer will collate all relevant information
• Children’s Officer will conduct an initial assessment
• Children’s Officer will carefully consider all information to determine whether an incident of Bullying has occurred
• Children’s Officer informs the alleged bully and target as to what procedures will follow on from the assessment
• If bullying has occurred it is dealt with as per Section 4 of the Code of Behaviour (Dealing with Alleged Breaches of the Code of Behaviour).
If you are aware of or have a concern that bullying behaviour is happening within your Club you should report the matter to your:
Club Children's Officer: Gary McGivney 086-2780869
Club Designated Liason Office: Joanne Gavigan
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